Home > Resources > Laws in Missouri

Below is a summary of laws in the state of Missouri as of July 1, 2019.

Family Planning and Contraception

No law specifically requires parental consent for minors to obtain contraceptives; some physicians can and do prescribe them to minors without informing their parents, it is worth calling to find out first.

In 2014, Plan B One Step emergency contraception became available without an age restriction or prescription. However, if you are unsure about certain pharmacies, it is best to call and find out if they provide emergency contraception first.

For more information on emergency contraception and family planning in Missouri, click here.

Pregnancy Testing and Prenatal Care
STI Testing
Abortion Services
Rape and Sexual Assault
Adoption Laws
Surrendering an Infant (Safe Haven Law)
Sexual Harrassment
Sexual Abuse
Sexual Health Education
Contraception in Schools
Sex Trafficking