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Today, the Teen Pregnancy & Prevention Partnership (TPPP) is proud to join over 50 organizations across the country in demanding LGBTQ+ inclusive sex education for all young people in the United States. TPPP is participating in a series of virtual events as part of the LGBTQ+ Inclusive Sex Education Week of Action, led by SIECUS: Sex Ed for Social Change, taking place June 22-26, 2020.

LGBTQ+ young people are valued members of every community in the country, yet only nine states mandate that sex education be inclusive of their experiences and contain information relevant to their sexual and reproductive health needs. Research shows that LGBTQ+ young people report disproportionate experiences of depression, bullying, and feelings of unsafety at school–and these experiences are even more common among LGBTQ+ youth of color. However, queer youth that do receive inclusive sex education are less likely to feel unsafe and report lower levels of victimization because of their identity.

The LGBTQ+ Inclusive Sex Ed Week of Action is dedicated to highlighting the dire need for inclusive instruction. The week will feature webinars led by LGBTQ+ sex education experts, educators, advocates, and researchers and center stories from LGBTQ+ young people themselves. Week of action participants will also have opportunities to take digital action and join conversations on social media.

TPPP stands with LGBTQ+ young people in demanding access to the sexual and reproductive health information, skills, and services that all young people need to properly care for themselves, their families, and their communities.

To join the week of action, please visit SIECUS: Sex Ed for Social Change

To learn more about recommendations and resources to support LGBTQ+ students in Missouri, please visit our blog post on GLSEN’s School Climate Survey from 2019.

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